Thankful Thursday

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Hey friends!

It's time for another Thankful Thursday. This week, I'm thankful for:

My health. Abi came back from her conference quite sick...and I managed to catch it. Thankfully I've been able to get a lot of sleep (over 11 hours the other night!) and am pretty much better now.

Provision and Conviction. I'm really grateful for how God provides what I need, whether that be a job, money, food, whatever. He's also really been convicting me recently of things in my life and heart that aren't of him. It's not fun, but I'm grateful that he has the grace and love for me to do it.

The fact that it's 11° F right now. Seriously. It has been SO cold (in the -20s!) these last few days, to the point where all schools in Minnesota were shut down on Monday and Tuesday..yikes. You can probably understand why 11° seems pretty great right about now.

For my awesome friends who I get to hang out with tonight and tomorrow. They're pretty great :) 

And that's it for this edition of Thankful Thursday. What are you grateful for this week? Comment below and let me know!

Until next time, God bless.


thankful thursday

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