Friday Round Up #6 and Some Big Changes

Friday, May 23, 2014

Hey friends!

You may notice things look
a littlea lot different around here. I hope you guys like the new's very different but I absolutely love it, and think that it's much more suited to my personal style and vision for the blog. One change you'll notice is that I have social media icons on the side. Feel free to explore and send me a tweet! You've also probably seen the new tab: Virtual Assistance. I'll be updating that soon, so watch for that. Let me know what you think of the new design and features in the comments :)

Now it's time for the Friday Round Up! I'm linking up to a fun travel blog I read called Diaries of an Essex Girl. I really like this link up because the purpose is to share whatever has been happening during your week, even if it's just grabbing a coffee with your mom. Often times there's pressure as a blogger to only write about topics that you think will get readers, but it's important to share the normal stuff as well :)  If you're interested in linking up I'll put a button below.

Here's how my week went:

Monday: This week has been all about interviews, and Monday was the start of it. It was also my second to last day with my sister-from-another-mister Urshana, who is studying as an international student at my (now) alma mater. The rain was absolutely crazy that day was a little scary driving home with torrential rain and lightning over my car, but I lived to tell the tale :)

Tuesday: Tuesday was also a busy day! I took Ush to the airport for her flight back to Azerbaijan, but before that we had to run some errands. Cue: shopping trip :)  My iPod Touch's home button had inexplicably somehow become stuck, to the point where I couldn't use it anymore, so I took the opportunity to stop by the Apple store. Unfortunately they didn't have any open spots at the Genius Bar for four and a half hours, but there's a  nifty tool called Assistive Touch that you can turn on (under Accessibility in General).  It brings up a little touch button that you can use exactly like the Home button. Just a little tip if you ever have that issue with your iPod or iPhone. I was sad to say good bye to Ush, but she hasn't been home since August, so it was probably about time she went back to her family ;).

Wednesday: Nothing to report.

Thursday: Thursday I had another interview. Also, after MUCH stress and desire to throw my computer off my roof, my new design was up and fully functioning. To give you a little back story, I was gifted a design of my choice by my parents as part of my graduation gift. Everything was fine and dandy until I tried to install it. My old template refused to go away and no matter what I did (see: several hours of searching on Google and trying solutions that didn't work) it showed up underneath the new one. When I was at the point of (almost) rage and (almost) tears, I finally let it go and decided to reach out to a family friend who's a web designer by trade, and he fixed it! HUGE shout out and thank you to Adam for gettin' it done!

Friday: Today has been pretty uneventful. My older sister Beth came over and we hung out with the puppy (who, though almost a year old, will always be a puppy to me), and now I'm off to spend some time with my parents and little sister, who's down with us on a weekend visit.

If you have a blog and are interested in joining the link up, click on the button below :)

And again, I'd love to read what you guys think about the new design in the comments below :)

That's all for now folks!


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