Today is Thankful Thursday, and to be honest, sometimes it's hard for me to be grateful when it's freezing cold outside and I just want to graduate. I realize though that a lot of the things that I grumble and complain about are actually things I should be thanking God for. I mean really, there's a lot to be grateful for this Christmas season.
For example, this week I'm grateful for:
Minnesota, because it's a great state to live in for SO many reasons.
That my life is not about me. It's for the glory of God, so when I'm selfish and prideful it's directly rebelling against my purpose and meaning in life. That may sound a little legalistic, but it's actually such a relief knowing that my life is worth more than what I or anyone else thinks of it/me, and that there's someone out there who is so much greater than me and this world.
This blog. It's such a lot of fun being able to sit here and express myself in blog form. Even though this is a new blog and I have very few readers (a majority of whom are my family/roommate), I've already felt an internal pressure to write about things that will draw in readers rather than just being who I is. I've realized that even though it would be nice to have a ton of people reading this blog, ultimately it needs to not be about convincing them that it's interesting or good enough, but about the things that I want to express or write about. And if that happens to be something that's considered popular, than great! If not, oh well.
Christmas, because we celebrate the birth of Jesus, who made the greatest sacrifice possible in not only dying for us, but also in coming down from Heaven, where he lived in the very physical presence of his Father, just so we (who didn't give a rip, and in the Bible are even called his enemies ) could be saved.
My father in Heaven who always provides for me. Even if it's not in a way that I would prefer at the time, He always takes care of me and provides everything I need.
And last but not least on this fine Thursday, my family and roommate, who really do support me and this blog and bring a lot of laughter, surprises, and joy to my life. Love you guys!
Bonus: my little pup, who is literally the cutest dog in the world. To me.
Now I'd like to know, what are you thankful for today?
Until next time, God bless.
Great list - although I am thankful that it is summer over here :)