Thankful Thursday: Christmas Edition

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Hey there friends,

Apparently it's Thursday! I'm definitely on Christmas Break time which makes it hard to remember what day it is, so sorry for the late post! It has been such a lovely break so far. On Christmas Eve my dad, younger sisters, and I went to the service at our church and it was just great. The worship was fantastic, the singers and musicians both did a top notch job of leading us in song and stirring up the Christmas mood. Our pastor's message was about how Christmas is about love and sacrifice, and how God's real, unconditional love for us led him to come down to Earth as a baby and 33 odd years later sacrifice his own life for us. It was a wonderful, meaningful message and it felt great to be at my own home church in fellowship with everybody who came to the service (several hundred at least). On Christmas itself we had a great time of gift giving and receiving, cooking and eating, and just generally being together as a family *insert warm and fuzzy feelings here*.

Some things that I'm thankful for this week are:

My family. Honestly, we have our ups and downs like any family. But all in all we're a pretty doggone close family unit, and I'm so grateful for that.

Christmas. Christ Incarnate, Immanuel-God with us.

My new skincare goodies. Yes, this is not even close to being significant and meaningful, but when you're really into skincare like I am, a new cleanser is an exciting thing!

 Rest. I worked 42 hours and had five finals and two papers due in the space of 5/6 days...I was VERY ready for a break.

And that's what I'm thankful for today :)What are you grateful for today?

Beth, Ush, Abi, Lulay and Me :)

From my family to yours, happy Christmas and holiday season.

Until next time, God Bless.


thankful thursday

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